Hyderabad, Nov 11 : Hyderabad District Election Officer Navin Mittal has asked the eligible voters to verify their names in the photo electoral rolls and also to file claims and objections, if any, before November 30 for enrolling, deleting or transposition of their names in e-rolls and also for modification of records.
Mittal informed that the Election Commission of India has issued the schedule for conduct of Special Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls-2014 in respect of 15 Assembly Constituencies of Hyderabad District. As per the schedule, the publication of Draft Photo Electoral Rolls will be done on November 15; Claims and Objections will be received from November 15th to 30th; the Ward Sabhas will be held on November 19 and 26th to read out the electoral roll by BLO; Special campaigns will be taken up on November 17 and 24th (Sunday); the Claims and Objections will be disposed of by December 16 and Final Publication of Photo Electoral Rolls will be done on January 16, 2014.
According to the above schedule, the draft electoral rolls in respect of 15 Assembly Constituencies of Hyderabad District will be published on 15.11.2013 at all designated locations i.e. EROs /AEROs Offices & Polling Station building locations.
Further, Special Campaign dates will be conducted on November 17 and 24th at all Polling Station locations. The Booth Level Officers / Designated Officers will be available at the said locations with sufficient quantities of relevant forms i.e. Form-6 (for inclusion of names), Form-7 (for filing objections), Form-8 (for modification of records in e-rolls) and Form-8A (for transposition of names from one address to another address within the same Assembly Constituency). The relevant part of electoral roll is also made available at the said locations for facilitating the electors to verify their names and to file their claims and objections. INN