Hyderabad, March 3 : Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy on Sunday directed the School Education department to speed up construction of the Government Model schools in the State.
Officials explained that out of the 737 schools, 355 will be completed in the I Phase of which 164 school complexes are nearing completion and 104 school complexes are going to reach finishing stage very shortly. The works at other places also will be speeded up. The total outlay for these 355 schools in the I Phase is Rs.1072.10 crores.
It may be recalled here that Government of India proposed to start 6000 Model Schools throughout the country to provide quality education at secondary level on Kendriya Vidyalaya template during 20011-12. For each Model School, the non-recurring Grant is Rs.3.02 crores (Rs.2.72 crores for civil works and Rs.0.30 crores for furniture and equipment) and Recurring Grant of Rs.0.75 crores. The ratio of Central and State share is 75:25. Government of Andhra Pradesh proposed to establish Model Schools in all the 737 Educationally Backward Mandals of the State. As many as 355 Model schools were sanctioned in Phase I during 2011-12 while 234 Model schools were sanctioned in Phase II during 2012-13.
Proposals for sanction of the balance 148 Model Schools will be sent to GoI shortly. The Phase I Model schools will start functioning from June 2013 with classes VI to VIII and Junior Intermediate (MPC, BPC, MEC and CEC groups) in English Medium with State syllabi and are co-educational institutions. 7,100 teaching posts are sanctioned for the 355 Model Schools sanctioned in Phase I. Staff recruitment work is in progress and all of them will be positioned by May 2013.
Induction training to the newly recruited teaching staff will be provided. Government of India have also sanctioned Girls Hostels to these Schools with an intake of 100 students and the grounding of works are about to take place. For the Model schools, Guidelines for Admissions were issued by the State Government on 11-2-2013.
The students who domicile from the mandal or studied in the particular Mandal are eligible for admission in these schools. 15 per cent seats are reserved for SCs, 6 per cent seats are for STs and 29 per cent seats are reserved for BCs. A total of 33.3 per cent of the total seats are reserved for girls. There is no income limit for admission but children from lower income group shall be preferred. Construction of school complexes for the 355 Model schools has been entrusted to Andhra Pradesh Educational and Welfare Infrastructure Development Corporation. INN