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TDP wins Avanigadda Assembly by-elections`

TDP wins Avanigadda Assembly by-elections`

Vijayawada, August 24 : Telugu Desam Party candidate Ambati Srihari Prasad won the Avanigadda Assembly by-elections with a huge margin of 61,644 votes.

Srihari Prasad was the lone candidate representing a major political party and comfortable defeated two other independent candidates. He secured 75,282 votes while his nearest rival Rajasekhar got 13,638 votes. Another independent candidate Ravi Subramaniam received 3,389 votes.

The by-election in Avanigadda seat was necessitated due to the death of sitting MLA Ambati Brahmanaiah of TDP in April. While all other political parties decided not to contest the by-elections, TDP named Harihari Prasad, Brahmanaiah’s son as its candidate. The voting became inevitable after both the independents refused to withdraw from the contest.

According to sources, the newly elected MLA Srihari Prasad is likely to resign in favour of Samaikhyandhra. INN

TDP wins Avanigadda Assembly by-elections
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